Practicing applying math, science, and technology concepts to solve real-world problems through a biblical worldview.
Below are just a few of the projects happening in the STEM enrichment classes at Open Door Christian School.
Our STEM program ignights a curiosity for discovering more about God's creation. This is accomplished through in-depth scientific study, engineering design challenges, long-term project experience, and age-appropriate use of technology.
Failure is expected and even embraced as students learn to problem solve and optimize solutions. STEM is about trying and learning and trying again.
We look at God's creation and identify new patterns, relationships, or new ways of doing things in a way of offering our gifts to help others. We foster engineering design by finding new ways to apply knowledge and experience.
Engineering and scientific successes are built through collaboration and communication. Teamwork is an essential component of our STEM program as students learn how to work with others to achieve a common goal. We also strive to collaborate with the community and STEM professionals to bring real-world applications and experience into the classroom.

Invention Convention
Our 2022 Invention Convention provided students in 3rd-7th grades with the opportunity to develop entrepreneurship skills and to apply the engineering design process to solve a real-world problem. We are the only school in the state of Texas to host Invention Convention this year and will be sending 5 student projects on to the regional competition!
2022 Results:
People's Choice - Jack Menard
1st Place (5th-7th)- Cross Bailey
2nd Place (5th-7th)- Jack Menard
3rd Place (5th-7th)- Raylie Seyler
1st Place (3rd-4th)- Owen Lopez, Noah Pinkston, and Austin Aylor
2nd Place (3rd-4th)- Wyatt and West Stephens
3rd Place (3rd-4th) - Eliza Arrell

High Altitude Balloon Launch
Students at Open Door Christian School embark on an epic adventure every other year (beginning in Spring of 2021). They spend months learning about atmospheric science and then launch a high-altitude balloon to the edge of the stratosphere!
The Junior High students construct a payload that takes video footage and weather data of the 100,000 ft journey while also carrying a science experiment that is voted on by the entire student body. To see the video from our last launch, click here!

Motorized Wheelchair Project
The 2020-2021 4th grade students constructed a motorized wheelchair to help a child in need. In STEM, we learn that engineers solve problems to help people. In this spirit, we are being the hands and feet of Christ while using our skills to bless others. Part of the project includes printing parts using our 3D printer.
Science Fair
Our 2021 Science Fair provided students in 3rd-6th grades with the opportunity to showcase their scientific inquiry, skills, and interests.
2021 Results:
Best of Show - Kollin Green
1st Place (5th-6th)- Kylie Pruitt
2nd Place (5th-6th)- Hayden Hearne
1st Place (3rd-4th)- Kollin Green
2nd Place (3rd-4th)- Ean Arrell
People's Choice - Carson Harper

School Garden
The 4th-6th grade students participated in a design competition to plan a school garden. Students learned about plant growing needs, plant spacing, irrigation, and volume calculations. Submissions included a detailed design sketch of the garden layout, a budget sheet, and a short essay about their garden design. The winning design made by 6th grader Raylie Seyler included a great use of space and resources for growing vegetables, flowering plants, and herbs. Her plans will aid in bringing the raised bed garden to life at Open Door in the spring of 2021.
Part of the garden will be used to implement a science experiment through Tomatosphere. This program allows students from kindergarten through 6th grade to plant, nurture, and make scientific observations of tomato seeds that were flown in space. The data will be submitted to the First Seed Foundation who will use the information to inform future human space flight missions.
Animal Habitats
The 2nd grade students completed a two-month-long project learning about biomes, ecosystems, and animal habitats. They then used the engineering design process to create an animal habitat that provided for all of their animals' needs.
We used a green screen to record the students presenting their projects so that it appeared as though they were talking from inside their animal habitats! Parents were able to watch their child's presentations when their projects were on display during Invention Convention.

Habits of Mind
In the early elementary grades, the STEM program focuses on building up foundational skills that include optimism, persistence, collaboration, creativity, conscientiousness, and systems thinking. Weekly science, technology, and engineering activities provide opportunities to practice these disciplines and gain exposure to principles that will be developed in later years.