ODCS believes a well-rounded education can only be accomplished by teaching students that God encompasses every aspect of life. This biblical worldview helps them see the world as God sees the world and enables them to reclaim the world for Christ.
The educational process is seen as a tool used by the Holy Spirit to bring the student into a right relationship with God, produce God’s wisdom in him, and equip him to fulfill God’s purpose for his life.
As the student participates in this process, he should begin to expand his understanding of his own abilities, skills, and character qualities. The student should see himself as an integral and important part of his family, school, church, and society. The establishing of life goals and careers should be an outgrowth of a strong spiritual and academic foundation.
This process should involve parents and teachers who demonstrate the power of Christ to transform lives. By delegated parental authority, Open Door Christian School is a partner in training and educating children.